Rugby Town Girls U11 Tigresses vs Lutterworth Athletic

Team – Astrid, Poppy, Ellie H, Daisy May, Leila, Bianca, Macey, Lily, Megan


Another great performance rewarded by a clean sheet.  The opposition were by no means easy to beak down & it was end to end play. Our girls were impeccable chasing down every single ball and we were rewarded when Poppy fired off a great shot into the target.

It was nice to hear the girls being vocal, lots of communication which meant lots of accurate passing.  The second half started with lots of pressure from the away team and credit to them they gave us a real challenge.

There was a worrying hearts in mouth moment in our goal which could only be described as ping pong football but Megan did not give up and managed to get 2 hands on the ball. The girls deserved the win today and should be very proud.

Coaches player Megan not just for her heroics in the goalmouth but she is really starting to listen and mature as a player.

That was our last game for the year so a big THANK YOU & MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the girls who play their socks off week after week & come away smiling & their parents who taxi them to the corners of the world to let them play