All Members / Parents / Guardians / Public
As many will have heard by now, we are in an unprecedented situation in which nobody understands the outcomes fully. We are governed by the FA and action of the leagues as well as the public health advice, which the has government issued.
It will take a bit of time for us all to understand the situation we are in. Our club has been around for nearly 25 years and, rest assured, will be for the next 25 as well.
Club activity is suspended until further notice this includes coaching, matches and events.
Further updates from the club will be sent out as required.
From the leagues
At this point the league is not being cancelled, merely suspended.
Currently no one has any idea as to the future and what may or may not develop.
We will endeavour to keep everyone advised and updated if any changes do occur.
Finally, from the club
Keep safe, well and fit and we look forward to seeing you all again in the near future, healthy and ready to play again.
If you have any questions, please email
Thank you all and see you soon.
Rugby Town Girls & Women FC